Onyejiuwa Justin NnaemekaIt is amazing volunteering with Mission Africa again in 2022. The journey from Owerri, Imo State to Ezeagu, Enugu State was not easy but full of fun.

As a routine, we paid visit to the community heads on arrival, to proceed the outreach the next day. We felt disappointed by the unfair treatment of the Hotel management that kept us outside for hours with no plan to give us accommodation, leaving the working group and administrators of Mission Africa the burden of looking for alternative hotel that took everyone to midnight before we got settled.

As a crowd controller, I found myself guiding, directing and organizing patient from point of registration to the pharmacy.

Nothing touched my heart in this outreach than when I guided a blind patient through the process and finally connect him with his family.

I give it to Mission Africa, this one is the most organized outreach I have witnessed.

Thank you Mission Africa for giving me opportunity to touch lives.

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