Mark & Jeanette WheelerIn 2007 Pastors Mark & Jeanette Wheeler founded The L Commission, a non-profit organization. They both have the heart and passion for the things of God. They serve together in local out-reaches and global missions.  In 2018 they began serving on the pastoral team at Overcomer Covenant Church in Auburn, WA.

God called them to serve as outreach leaders in their first home Church, Zion United House of Prayer, Seattle WA. Their hearts continued to yearn for outreach and together with their gifts and callings, served in other churches and organizations leading other outreach teams.

Pastors Mark and Jeanette have travelled to the highways and byways around the world feeding the hungry; clothing the naked; sharing God's Word in the jails and prisons; and sharing God’s unconditional love. Their ministry is full of demonstrations and power through God’s anointing; all to glorify their heavenly Father through Jesus Christ. 

Pastor Mark / The Teacher
“My passion is for our children around the world, and God has granted my desire to be an International Godfather.  Missions is my passion and I have been on mission fields around the world.  I am an ordained minister with a background in law, business management and teaching”.

Pastor Jeanette / The Evangelist

“The fire for evangelism, discipleship and outreach burns hot in my spirit. Sharing the Gospel and encouraging God's people goes hand in hand with the call on my life and I love it. Serving God, using the gifts and talents he has given me, is by far, the most important work I do while living on earth. For I believe, only what I do for Christ will last”

Volunteer Award Recipients List